Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Life is good!

I realize I haven't made and entry in this blog since I came home the last time. Friends have been calling to find out if I've fallen off the face of the earth, and I am please to report that I am alive and well and back to living in Chatham county! ;)

I have not had issues with dehydration since coming home after the re-connect (take-down)surgery. For this I am extremely grateful. I've been packing on the pounds, having been as low as 120, I weighted in at 124 this morning. It is amazing how my friends have been offering to help. Almost everyone who heard I had lost so much weight volunteered to give me as many pounds as I wanted. Their generosity amazed me.

After nearly 2 months in the hospital, I find I desperately need to work on my muscle tone... everything giggles... ARG! Right now, I am doing arm exercises and walking. I'm a bit worried about leg exercises because most of those use ab muscles and that is not an area I am prepared to exercise at the moment!

All in all, I am doing quite well. This is amazing considering the fact that eating healthy is a bit difficult since I can't eat fresh fruits (except bananas), or raw veggies. In fact, veggies need to be cooked to death. No spice. No fried food. No dairy. Well, none of any of those without bouts of diarrhea. I ate a strawberry a couple weeks back and took to bed for 6 hours. My surgeon suggested I should eat anything I wanted and just take 3 Immodium-AD a day, but even taking the 3 a day and eating right, I still have issues with diarrhea so I am not about to follow that advice. The biggest fear is dehydration if I don't keep the diarrhea under control and I definitely don't want to go back into the hospital again!!!!!

So... better. Much better. I'm not ready to run a marathon, but I am ready to visit with friends. To all of those I've warned off while in the hospital, I want to thank you for being so understanding. I just didn't want friends visiting while I was so incredibly sick. As for now, bring it on! I'm up for seeing my friends!

Thanks again for all the prayers, and well wishes. It meant a lot to me to hear from y'all in the comments you left here in by blog, the cards and calls... I felt the love and appreciated every last one of them!

Keep those prayers coming. I'm now cancer free, but having read a few forums on the web for people with my condition, I realize the journey ahead has many bumps in it yet to be experienced.

My heartfelt thanks for all your caring,


Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm going home today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, they finally tired of seeing my smiling face... I'm being released today, just 17 days after my last admittance. WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, February 27, 2009

Going home this weekend!

I just heard the news that I'll probably be heading home this weekend. I couldn't pin them down to which day yet, but this weekend sounds good to me!

I'm doing the happy dance!!!!!!!!! See me smile! I've been here 16 days and counting this time around, and 38 days since January 2. Do I sound ready?!



Monday, February 23, 2009

It works!

Yesterday was a good day... one of those you look forward to. They took my cathater out and I not only peed on my own, but the rest of the plumbing worked too. Life is good!!!!

Part of the reason for celebrating is that the doctor thought he might need to go back for a third surgery. Phew! Maybe tomorrow they'll let me eat something. I'm only managing a couple bites of jello a day right now. I could eat a horse.

Each day, another experience!!!!


Friday, February 20, 2009

Life just keeps repeating itself....

Well, they put the ole nasal/gastro tube down my nose last night. This time it was done by a resident (as in baby doc, as opposed to fellow patient of this hospital ward) and an ICU nurse who has done it bunches of times. She had to use a pediatric tube because my nostril is so delicate.... I guess the size on the outside has no relationship to what is on the inside. ;)

I was in a LOT of pain last night. Poor Perry deserves much praise and a heart felt thanks for hanging in there with me screaming so loudly. Did I mention that it started back up again this morning around 5:30? The good news for Perry is he had to leave by 6:00 so he could go to the beach. Somehow I didn't believe him when he said he was sorry he had to go. ;)

The doctor came by this afternoon and told me my belly is distended and I wouldn't be eating until I passed all that gas. I look 3 months pregnant. My urine is brown.... so I'm in the hospital and still dehydrated. Whatever.. I'm just glad the pain is gone. Babysteps.

It looks like this time around is mimicking the last one. I just hope it doesn't mean I'll be here for 13 days again. The good news is I still have plenty of books to read and games to play. The bad news is I have the tube down my throat so I can't really talk much.

Feel the love,


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Slow recovery

I had the illeoscomy bag removed on Monday and am now hooked up to go the old fashion way. That's the good news. The bad news is nothing is going the old fashion way. Each day I remain hopeful that the plumbing will all start working again. I haven't eaten, or had anything to drink since Sunday. I'm thinking groundhog day, the movie. Heck, I'm living it.

I had a fever yesterday, but that's gone. I'm just trying to do what I can to get to the next phase. I'll let y'all know when I get there. In the mean time, Perry and Margaret have been spending nights with me and I have been trying to keep phone calls at a minimum.... too dehydrated.

I look forward to returning home. I've heard reports that I have flowers blooming in my yard. I can't wait to see them for myself!



Friday, February 13, 2009

Staying in the hospital this weekend

I'll not be going home today, but rather will stay in the hospital this weekend and be here on Monday for my next surgery. This ensures that I will be hydrated when I go in for the surgery and will have the best chance for a good outcome. The surgery will be mid morning on Monday. It should last 1-3 hours. They may not have to open me up all the way again. All good news. The recovery is supposed to be 3-5 days.

Life is indeed good!
